Minangka pabrik profesional, Sinupower pengin menehi pipo Header kanggo evaporators aliran paralel lan condensers.Sampeyan bisa yakin kanggo tuku pipa Header kanggo evaporators aliran podo lan condensers saka pabrik kita lan kita bakal menehi sampeyan layanan sawise-sale paling apik lan pas wektune. pangiriman.
1. Evaporator Aliran Paralel:
Ing evaporator aliran paralel, refrigeran mili ing arah sing padha karo medium cooling (biasane online utawa banyu) liwat lumahing exchange panas. Pipa header minangka titik distribusi lan koleksi kanggo refrigeran sing mlebu lan metu saka tabung evaporator. Refrigeran mlebu ing pipa header, ing ngendi disebarake kanthi merata ing antarane tabung evaporator. Nalika mili liwat tabung, nyerep panas saka udara utawa banyu ing saubengé, nyebabake penguapan lan owah saka cairan dadi uap. Refrigeran sing nguap banjur diklumpukake ing pipa header maneh kanggo diproses maneh ing sistem pendingin.
2. Kondensor Aliran Paralel:
In parallel flow condensers, the refrigerant flows in the opposite direction to the cooling medium (usually air or water) over the heat exchange surfaces. The header pipes in condensers serve as distribution and collection points for the hot, high-pressure vapor refrigerant entering and the condensed, lower-pressure refrigerant leaving the condenser tubes. The refrigerant enters the header pipe from the compressor, and it is distributed evenly among the condenser tubes. As it flows through the tubes, it releases heat to the surrounding cooling medium, causing it to condense and change from a vapor to a liquid state. The condensed refrigerant is then collected in the header pipe again and sent to the expansion valve to begin the refrigeration cycle again.
Loro-lorone ing evaporators aliran podo lan condensers, desain sing tepat lan construction saka pipo header iku wigati kanggo mesthekake distribusi lan koleksi refrigerant ing saindhenging lumahing exchange panas. Distribusi lan koleksi sing tepat penting kanggo transfer panas sing efisien, sing langsung mengaruhi kinerja lan efisiensi energi sistem pendinginan utawa AC.